A review by captkaty
Free to Fall by Lauren Miller


Set about 15 years in the future, in a world where everyone's addicted to an app, Lux, that makes decisions big and small for you. What should you have for lunch? When should you leave for work? Should you date that person? Lux's answers ensure that you'll be living your best life.

Rory's a high-achieving student who loves Lux like everyone else. She's thrilled to be admitted to Theden, a prestigious prep school whose graduates are guaranteed success in everything they do afterward. But I don't think it's too spoilery to say that not everything is what it seems.

In a lot of ways, this was a pretty standard YA dystopia (two male love interests? Check! conspiracies galore? Check!), but even though I've largely grown tired of the genre, I found this one really enjoyable. I'm a sucker for any book set at an elite school, and Lauren Miller kept the plot chugging along nicely. It's a thinly veiled criticism about the illusion of connectedness we have with our smartphones and social media, but how we often lack genuine connection. I think you could have some great, smart discussions with teens about this one.