A review by theladysparks
Howl for the Gargoyle by Kathryn Moon


Hannah, a thirty-something-year-old, never envisioned not being human. Her sudden change into a werewolf and the potential risks to her band’s world tour are overwhelming. To manage her full moon cravings and the restless anger she’s been feeling, Hannah follows a friend’s advice and books with Monster Smash Agency to find a partner that she won’t break. In comes Rafe, a gargoyle who is nearly indestructible and is desperate to keep his job. The two partner up and the ease they feel around each other ends up taking them on a new path that toes the line that a client should have with the person they’ve hired.

She'd let go of everything, all her fear and shame and self-disgust—let go of everything but me.

Kathryn Moon does it yet again and I am so glad that I rang in 2024 with Hannah and Rafe's story. The Monster Smash Agency series might be one of my favorites that I've ever read. I love the way that Kathryn Moon essentially tweaked our world to add in the monsters in such a flawless, real-feeling sort of way. I don't know how else to describe it other than a magical monster romance with beautiful storytelling and drool-worthy spice featuring characters you cannot help but love.

This story, so far at least, has been my favorite.

Hannah's story is heartbreaking but written in a beautiful way that felt reminiscent of how you would see an assault written in other books so be mindful when you dive in. There aren't any super descriptive scenes going into detail about how she was turned into a werewolf but it's mentioned. I think I just felt more of it with how those around her talk about it and how she heals throughout the story and finds herself again. There was one scene specifically with a character that isn't one of the main ones that had me sobbing because it was so powerful. "I'd rather have you at your worst than not have you here at all." Immediately followed up with a conversation that felt like one of the most important ones in the book regarding Hannah as a character and the path that she ultimately takes in learning about this new version of herself that she didn't consent to become.

I really loved the fact that she wasn't like your stereotypical werewolf. If that makes sense. She had opposing things about her that I found really refreshing and Hannah was honestly just so easy to love and root for. I think she's going to be a character whose story sticks with me for a really long time and I'm happy to hold her there in my heart.

I absolutely love Rafe. The way he interacted with Hannah throughout the entire book, not trying to solve any of her issues but just being there to show her that she had it in her to do whatever she needed to do and that she was stronger and more deserving than she thinks that she is. I just have a really soft spot for MMCs that are like this so I was bound to fall head over heels for him as the love interest. I think the way that these two interacted with each other was just really refreshing and the chemistry was just so good with a whole lot of great banter back and forth throughout the entire story.

Their story was absolutely beautiful and I'm definitely going to be thinking about this book throughout the rest of the year. Don't be surprised if it ends up on my favorites list for 2024. I cannot wait to read the next one and I'm especially excited for the potential of who it might be involving because of some of the last lines in the book. I would love to start off every single year for the rest of forever by reading a Monster Smash Agency book first thing because they are always phenomenal and set me up for a great year.

- overcoming trauma
- food as a love language
- soft dom fmc
- hurt/comfort
- found family
- marathon spicy time
- self rediscovery
- embracing your inner beast
- two monsters falling in love