A review by book_concierge
April in Paris by Michael Wallner


Audiobook performed by Paul Michael

Roth is a young German army corporal, assigned to Gestapo headquarters in occupied Paris so that he can use his flawless French as an interpreter during interrogations. He’s disturbed by the torture he witnesses, but fulfills his duty as a soldier, accurately translating the words if not the emotions expressed. When not on duty, however, he slips away from his hotel billet, dons civilian clothes and walks the streets of Paris disguised as the Frenchman, Antoine. Being out of uniform, by itself, is a punishable offense, but he crosses the line when he falls for Chantal, the daughter of a bookseller. He does not reveal his true identity to her, and she hides her allegiance to the Resistance.

The reader knows that this star-crossed relationship is bound to end badly, but the way in which Wallner reveals the story kept me in a delirious state of suspense. Make no mistake; this is NOT a hearts-and-flowers romantic escapade, but a gritty and serious novel full of hardship and heartache. There are hints that they’ve been found out, but then they are free to meet. There are several close calls when I was sure that one or the other would be captured and/or killed. Because Roth works for the Gestapo he witnesses and knows the interrogation techniques employed, yet he seems not to remember those ploys when it’s most important. I found myself yelling at the CD player, “It’s a trick!” more than once … and sometimes I was right.

I love how Wallner develops Roth from a naïve, apolitical young man away from home, to a wily, cautious and determined man. He may be beaten but he is not down. On the other hand, I was disappointed in how little he developed the women in this story – Chantal and Anna Rieleck-Sostman (a German woman who runs the Gestapo captain’s office). Despite this, however, I think the book merits five stars; I was captivated from beginning to end and will be talking about it for weeks or months, I’m sure.

Paul Michael does a fine job narrating the audiobook. I don’t speak French but his French sounded pretty good to me. I was glad I had the text handy, however, because I needed to see the written words to puzzle out the French phrases. His pacing was good and he was able to differentiate the characters sufficiently.