A review by brittanykroeckel
Go Set a Watchman by Harper Lee


I try not to compare this to its predecessor too much as I write this review, as I believe each book in a series should be considered individually as well as within the group.

I agree with others that writing this book from Scout’s POV was a beneficial move. She has layers and depth to her that being in her perspective was a privilege. We saw different sides of Atticus and Calpurnia that I had not expected, but we’re important because they showcased the reality of the times. Dr. Finch was a nice addition to this story and I’m glad he was more involved in this sequel.

This book didn’t really entice me much until the end. The writing felt a little dry at times and sections get out of place/ not beneficial to the plot. I would have liked to know more about what happened to Boo Radley, since we was such a focus in To Kill a Mockingbird. The love interest of Henry didn’t really seem necessary to me although it did amplify the lesson we learned with Atticus.

Overall. I liked the read, but didn’t love it. To Kill a Mockingbird will always be #1 for me.