A review by lee25
Cast in Eternity by Michelle Sagara


[b:Cast in Eternity|59978355|Cast in Eternity (Chronicles of Elantra, #17)|Michelle Sagara|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1652515572l/59978355._SY75_.jpg|94519988] is another great book in the Chronicles of Elantra series.
Much like the previous books it has likeable and interesting characters, amusing and often dry banter, and a fascinating world. My only criticism of this series is that so often the much more interesting battles are happening "off page" while the story stays with Kaylen is doing her "Chosen" thing.
SpoilerAnd sadly that happened again in this book. Teela, Severn and the cohort are fighting for their, and everyone else's, (after)lives, but we are with Kaylen cluelessly wielding her chosen marks

From my point of view every book in this series is a 5 star book until the last 50-60 pages when the other characters fade into the background and we focus on the Kaylen.