A review by lazygal
Messy by Heather Cocks, Jessica Morgan


Sometimes a cute book leads to a "meh" sequel - not this time. Rather than continuing to focus on Molly and Brooke, we spend time with Max and Brooke (I ended up liking Brooke, which was pretty good writing on the author's part!). Max was, for me, one of the more interesting parts of Spoiled, and her snark is still going strong here.

The plot is pretty mild, with a love triangle? love tangle? something like that in the the middle. Brick is as clueless as he was in the first book, mangling his words like nobody's business. And Molly? Barely a presence, which was a little disappointing.

So why only 4 stars? The "previously, in Spoiled" section didn't flow that well, and the fact that Max and Brooke were nearly joined at the hip with no one (not Arugula, not Brie, not anyone except those "in the know") noticing didn't work for me.

ARC provided by publisher.