A review by librarianlizreads
Crown of Feathers by Nicki Pau Preto


I decided to give this book a try because I love fantasy and phoenixes, without having heard anything about it. I was blown away by what I got in return.

I have always been drawn to books based on world building, history within a fictional society, and characters that you can love and root for. I appreciate a story the most when the characters can make me laugh, growl, and cry.

This book...literally has it all. The world building is great and the history of this society is phenomenal. It feels so real and believable. I find myself believing that this world was shaped by war and the goddesses of their history. I also found myself hating, loving, and putting my whole heart into the success of these characters.

If you enjoy fantasy, the struggle of discovering who you are, and overcoming all obstacles, including your family, this might be a good read for you. I for one am so glad that I decided to read this book. It is now on my list of favorites. Love it!