A review by dianed
For The Love Of A Widow by Christina McKnight


Christina McKnight does a wonderful job handling characters who easily fall in love. In this book she does an even better job of handling 2 wounded characters. Daniel, Duke of Linwood and Lettie, Lady Collette Hughes had been promised since childhood. Right before her come out, Daniel's father died and it put him in a tailspin. When Lettie's come out was so successful that her dance card was always full it sent him into a downward spiral of drinking, gambling and whoring. Lettie's frustration led her to fall in love with Gregory Hughes. She broke her betrothal to Daniel and followed Gregory to fight Napoleon.
Six years later, she returns as a widow but what she has seen can't be forgotten and she can't just jump back into the London scene. In the meantime, Daniel has cleaned up his act. Unlike her parents who want to ignore it, he recognizes Lettie's pain and wants to help her.
Watching the two work through their pain and help each other is a beautiful piece of fiction and Christina McKnight is to be applauded to show that not just soldiers are affected by war and they was that Daniel helps Lettie through the pain is well written.
I received an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.