A review by bookswithlukas
Unsoul'd by Barry Lyga


Not what I was expecting….

I was looking forward to Barry Lyga's first adult novel, as 'I Hunt Killers' is easily one of the best YA books I've read in the last few years and I was excited to see where an adult storyline would take him. In my head though, I guess I was just expecting something a bit more in tone with 'I Hunt Killers' and not the drama/dark comedy mashup that is 'Un'souled'. The synopsis for this book is especially intriguing and can be summed up in a simple question. 'What happens to you when you sell your soul to the Devil?'

If there is one thing to say about 'Un'souled' it's that it's get the tone of it's comedy right from the start, it's very dark and almost absurdist in places that it really sets the tone for the plot that is too come. It feels purposely over the top, and is probably the most enjoyable aspect of the story as whole. The chapter titles are a great idea, and something that I wish was used more, especially in novels more focused on comedy like this one.

With the adult nature of this book though, there also comes the ability to fuse the story with lots of sex talk, and I felt it a bit much to begin with. Our character is supposed to be in his thirties but he talks about sex like some desperate frat boy. Everything is tight ass this, and wet pussy that…it became a bit much in the end, although I guess it is used to prove a point that is explained at the end of the novel.

Speaking of the finale, it also takes a more realistic and deeper turn towards the end that I kind of liked, It's not so overly obvious that you instantly see it as the book trying to send a 'message', but deep enough and fixed within the narrative that it makes you think anyway..
SpoilerIt's also always appealing to me when authors don't feel forced to right 'good characters, and I liked that the character ultimately came to the conclusion that he wasn't 'nice', and didn't care anyway

Overall, I'd say this novel is worth a go (especially with that cheap kindle price tag), but if you're expecting the adult coming of 'I Hunt Killers' you will probably be disappointed.