A review by therealcubcake
The Wise Hours: A Journey into the Wild and Secret World of Owls by Miriam Darlington


What a treat it has been to read Miriam Darlington's beautifully written book "The Wise Hours"! You may be a skeptical person such as I was going into this, but trust me, you will be so pleasantly surprised.
    Was I expecting to learn a lot about owls in general? Yes. Did I? Also, yes, a lot. But what caught me off guard, in the best way, was that this book is about family, and community. It brought warmth to me on these cold days. The characters we get to meet are just as fascinating to me as the owls.
     I've also made a list of sites and people to check out throughout my read. It contains so much great information! Am I a birder now? Maybe. Ok, probably.