A review by amybraunauthor
Avenged by Amy Tintera


The second book in this trilogy had all the things I expected and wanted, and sets up what I anticipate to be an action-filled and intense finale. Like most middle books in trilogies, this mainly served as the calm before the storm, with all the characters working to forge their final alliances and (mostly) wipe away any doubts they had about their romantic relationships. This time we learned more about Aren and his powers, as well as his surprising romance. I like him so it was good to see things from his perspective, especially regarding his uneasy relationship with Olivia, who also has her own chapters and is a pretty harrowing character to read. Cas and Em remain strong characters, though Cas slipped a little and needed to be brought back from his conflicted emotions (one of my favourite parts by the way). I also liked the growth given to the world, the betrayals, and the deep romances between many of the characters. The ending promises to be intense, and I can't wait to see how it all wraps up!