A review by whisperingchapters
Every Dark Corner by Karen Rose


This review was originally posted on Latte Nights Reviews.

First of all, I went into this third book without having read the previous books in the series and I'm so sad about it! This third book was brilliant and you can bet I'll go back to the first book and read it because I need more of Karen Rose's suspenseful and crime involved writing.

Kate moves to Cincinnati after being offered a promotion. She especially accepted the job when she found out her best friend, Deacon Novak, would be under the same department. After having gone through two tragic deaths in her life, Kate is ready for this move and start fresh. As soon as she reaches Cincinnati, a case is given to her and the one person with almost all the answers is in a coma. She spends day and night at the hospital next to Griffin "Decker" Davenport's bed, waiting for him to wake up. When Decker finally wakes up, he starts to piece together what happened and realizes his investigation is far from being finished and having justice. Together, Kate and Decker, along with the rest of the FBI and characters from previous books, work to bring the perpetrator to justice and hope they don't die along the way.

Every Dark Corner's plot is extremely challenging and complex since it deals with child pornography at its core. I cannot even begin to imagine all the research the author had to do to write such a lengthy novel and deliver it exceptionally. I'm so in awe of the story's complexity and how realistic it feels. It's why I'm extremely happy this was such a long book (640 pages). This is the type of book that should go so in-depth without leaving anything out of the story.

Seeing as this is a romantic suspense, there's obviously romance involved between Decker and Kate. You see, before Decker was induced in a coma, Kate had saved his life and he was amazed by Kate's skills. While Kate was with him at the hospital, their bond started to grow. I loved how Decker let Kate make her own decisions and encouraged her to let her mind roam free and think all the possibilities for the case. The only way Kate can really concentrate and come up with answers is to have a paper in her hands so she can do origami. This helps her in letting her mind focus on the case and Decker was encouraging it 100%, and even asked her to teach him origami. I loved their connection from the start. It wasn't fast nor slow paced—it was just right.

I also liked how their romance wasn't the focus of the story, which was great! Like I mentioned above, this story needed all the depth it brought and if it had focused on the romance, I don't think it would have been as amazing as it is. Karen Rose did a wonderful job in giving the reader this beautiful and steamy romance but also delving more into the case and all the supporting characters. Yes, the story also focuses on the supporting characters and how they play a part in the investigation, along with the perpetrator, which I think was an excellent touch!

Speaking of the perpetrator, reading his thoughts was so disturbing but so needed for the story. It added an even darker and grittier tone that I wasn't expecting. It's unbelievable how people like this character exist in real life. I was shocked by this character's decisions and how cruel and creepy he is. He has no remorse or conscience for what he does, not even to his own family. His character brought the story even more to life. The author didn't shy away from portraying this character as she did. She went full on out!

This story showed just how agitating, frustrating and depressing it is for the people in the force to deal with cases like these. They can take such a heavy toll on someone's emotional and mental well-being. It's shown on two specific characters and I felt so much for them. It really helped me admire those who fight every day for victim's of cases like these or any case really.

Overall, Every Dark Corner is an exceptionally mind-blowing in-depth crime story that was very eye-opening and so realistic. I highly recommend lovers of the crime genre to read it, and even to romance readers.

I received an ARC from the publisher via mail for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.This review was originally posted on Latte Nights Reviews.