A review by brianlarson
Dependency by Tove Ditlevsen


The final book in the Tove trilogy takes a dark, dark turn. Tove’s prose changes to reflect her state of mind during this period. Descriptions are more acute and there’s little room for nebulous side chatter: “Ole has had a child by another woman, and before the child was born Lise thought seriously about adopting it. Then it turned out the baby was deaf and dumb, so now she's glad she didn't do it.” Brutal.

Tove’s detailing of her attempts to get an abortion are harrowing (*read this book on the eve of the Supreme Court’s leaked draft overturning Roe v Wade becoming public*). “Sitting in the streetcar on the way home, I'm afraid for the first time. Why is it so secretive and complicated? Why didn't he just take it out? My insides are as quiet as a cathedral; there's no sign that a deadly instrument has just penetrated the membrane which was supposed to protect what wants to live against my will.”

There’s a Didion-ness trapped below the drawl of Tove’s calamities; unvarnished life lessons seem to spring eternal. Tove’s dependency as a “real addict” are almost too brutal to comprehend. Tove doesn’t wrap her trilogy with a hopeful bow; she never promised to either.