A review by simplynik
Slut by Jettie Woodruff



ARC provided by the Author

FUCK. Yes let's start there. reading this second book was wild! I wasn't prepared. It was too much!

The sequel to Suit [bc:Suit|26125352|Suit (The Twin Duo, #1)|Jettie Woodruff|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1441372361s/26125352.jpg|46074369] opens up right where Suit left off. Jetti didn't miss a beat. We open with Gabriella searching for answers and truths as she starts from jail. This installment is complex, compelling and catastrophic. If you like your books easy, with #Instalove this won't be the author for you. Jetti brings it raw. You will get lots of questions with no answers and more clues. Which will lead you to make more theories. But that is why I love Erotic Suspense.
I loved learning more about Gabriella and Izzy my two Clydes. I also saw Paxton and Gabby claim their love in this twisted saga. But I felt in the end that I still didn't know so much. ugh!!!

New characters in this book I really enjoyed Mi! She spoke to my yin and yang, brought an earthy feeling to the chaos and a redeeming feeling to so much wrong. Lane remained unredeeming and for me still an asshat. Nick Benson a super polished psychiatrist and partner to Lane, is introduced as well. I wanted him to be something he just is not. Nick is Mi's boyfriend. I found him to be cunning and the player in the end.

The plot was wild, there were times that I felt Jetti was risking too much by making it to quick or bold. But it worked. Sex was off the chart HAWT, but it wasn't a central focal point. This story again for me was a thriller.

I can't dig too deep because it will give away certain elements of the story. I recommend the series. As a woman this story was very appealing. As a married woman this hit the nail on the head. Rich women find themselves feeling like property and possessions. Gabriella is Paxton's slut. Often after time in a marriage of wealth where the mom stays home and the man works. There are times when they have to find themselves and reclaim their independence just as Gabriella is doing.

So in the end READ IT!!