A review by amandacole
Between Two Thorns by Emma Newman


Originally posted on Desert Island Book Reviews

I loved this! Between Two Thorns is such a unique and creative urban fantasy, full of interesting characters and stories. The drama unfolds at a great pace within the book, with new tidbits being revealed through each set of characters throughout. It has a little something for everyone, from political intrigue and investigating crimes to magic, faeries, and romance.

Cathy was such a great character. I loved that she was able to find solutions to her problems, even if they didn't always work out the way she might have hoped. She never shied away from a challenge, no matter how big, and I loved that about her. I also loved that she wasn't automatically cast as a beautiful woman, like many urban fantasy heroines.

The idea of parallel worlds is always an exciting one for me. It's great to think about different dimensions of the same place with completely different rules and moralities, and seeing that play out in a book is really fun. I loved that it was possible to travel between dimensions and that each had its own set of ramifications.

I also enjoyed the fact that faeries were the bad guys, but not to everyone. There was enough nuance to make them interesting and the politics of the fae world and the Nether are really fascinating to me. I can't wait to learn more about them and see more drama unfold in future books.

I enjoyed learning about the universe Newman created, and I'm dying to read more about it. I was really excited to discover that books two and three in this series are already available and book four will be out in August. I can't recommend this book highly enough. I gave it four stars because, while I loved the book, it ended in a terrible cliffhanger!

*Review copy from NetGalley