A review by montigneyrules
Going After Cacciato by Tim O'Brien


#readingchallenge2018 (my book recommended by a stranger)

The novel has such a strong opening: Cacciato leaves, his behavior is strange, and you desire to know what happens if/when they catch up to him; what was his reasoning, was there a deeper meaning? but as the story progresses, the non-linear writing is convoluted.

The writing: I often found myself feeling lost, as I struggled to understand the timeline we were in, what the point was, and where would it go from here. The dialogue never mixed well; being too short, choppy, and resembled more two people trying to recreate a conversation they overheard instead of a real conversation.

The story: I get why they embarked on their mission, but I don’t think O’Brien maintained a focus enough to portray a good chase. Was that the point, or was it bad writing, it’s so hard to tell. And was the ending a cop out, ugh if so bleg, if not bleg, I still read to the end.

I honestly really want to read Things They Carried, I hope he is just bad at Fiction writing and I have a better shot with the other novel.