A review by jonetta
Her Holiday Man by Shannon Stacey


I expected a "feel good" holiday romance and was not disappointed!

Christina Forrester and her 7-year old son are starting over in a small New Hampshire town following her divorce from her former wealthy husband, now in prison for financial investment fraud. She's struggling to make ends meet but on many levels, her life is so much better. Will Broughton returns home after a 5-year absence following the death of his wife, only to find his recently widowed mother has taken Christina and her son under her maternal wings.

It's a lovely story of two lonely but healing people who were badly hurt and are a bit wary of investing in another relationship. Christina's son, Nathaniel, is not only adorable but their bridge to each other. They redefine family during the holiday season and learn to treasure the time they have now.

I really liked how both Christina and Will were crafted...once broken but mending nicely. This is a perfect story for the Christmas season, not too sweet but extremely heartwarming. Loved it.

(I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review)