A review by bookdrgn
Dark Whisper by Christine Feehan


I love how these ancient Carpathians are so accepting and welcoming of their fearless, strong lifemates. I do miss the style of the older books sometimes, but these newer storylines are keeping my interest fresh.
Afanasiv and Vasilisa are a great team. They complement each other well.
I enjoyed the other ancients getting hope and direction and can't wait to see whose book is next.
As always, it was great catching up with older Carpathians. With all the mystery around the Dragonseeker line, I did wonder why Dominic, Lara, and Colby weren't mentioned. It will be interesting to see how this formidable family line plays into the current goings-on.
I'd still love to go back to the Carpathian mountains and catch up with my favorites there. It feels like a long time since we've been on the mountain with the characters we fell in love with.
Dark Whisper was well worth the wait. I was surprised by the almost lack of intimate scenes, normally Carpathian books are very love scene heavy.