A review by hilaryistired
Love's Cruel Redemption by C.L. Stone


There aren't many series that can survive twelve books and still leave you interested for the next one. And while it doesn't leave me eagerly searching out the next book as the early ones did, I'm still excited to see where this whole thing is going. The quality of the story is still strong, and the plot is still rather insane, and overall, it's still a great book series. 

I always struggle when it comes to Nathan's books, because I honestly could not care less if he was around or not. There's just nothing about his character that adds to the story, and he seems to only serve the purpose of having an empty house and causing problems. But in a cast this large, you're bound not to like one of them, right?

The Good Points of Love's Cruel Redemption:

The pacing in this book is brilliant. The plot doesn't progress quickly, but the book does, so you fly through it and have a hard time putting it down. 

There are some really great plot lines that have been carried over and addressed in this one. The Volto one was rather insane, but I'm really curious to see where that's going, as well as the deal with what's going on at the school. 

This isn't something I say too often, but I enjoyed that we got to see more than just Sang's point of view, especially because she wasn't doing a whole lot throughout this particular book. We needed to start seeing more of what was going on with the boys, and we got that in this book, which was great.

The Downsides of Love's Cruel Redemption:

EDITING. I thought this was better for the last book, and then it all went to hell in this one. I know these are self-published or indie-published or whatever, but shouldn't editing be a prerequisite for putting something out there? Can we make it one?

This series is progressing so slowly, and it's starting to get painful. There's so much going on in the books that it slows down the progression of the story, and the books aren't being released as quickly as they were early on, which makes me think I'm going to lose interest in all of this before I actually get any resolutions. I know writing books is a lot of work, but at the rate we're going, it's going to be 2026 before we know how it ends, at which point I doubt I'll still care.

I'm not a Nathan fan, and I found everything he did in this book dumb and aggravating. This is less of a downside, I suppose, and more of a matter of personal choice.

All in all, this was a fun book, but it's not one of the ones in this series I'll likely ever go back and read again. I'm tentatively optimistic for the next book because I've enjoyed the past ones so much, though this was not quite up to the standard that I had been hoping for.