A review by aslowreader
Midnight Sun by Stephenie Meyer


wow! okay, i didn't expect to enjoy this as much as i did, but!! holy shit

twilight is SUCH a different story when you hear from edward's perspective just how much danger bella is always in/how much self control it actually takes for him to be in close proximity to her....... this book was infinitely more horrifying than the rest of the series, and i enjoyed every second of it.

the cullen family dynamic is explored so much more in this book than in the rest of the series; you really get the idea that each of them has a unique personality and style apart from just being part of edward's coven.. their banter was hilarious, and i feel sad that we missed out on a lot of that in the main series.

i also enjoyed how meyer flushed out the "behind the scenes" details of twilight - we only get the events as bella sees and knows them, but edward's perspective for the last third of the book is way more interesting, it turns out! i was excited to see alice's and jasper's talents pushed to their limits, and get some answers that seemed off-handedly explained away in twilight.

there were times, of course, where being in edward's head felt a bit insufferable, but that didn't really come as a surprise because i think his antiquated way of thinking about the world, paired with his always-seeking-the-moral-high-ground-because-i-have-to-attone-for-being-a-monster attitude made him pretty insufferable in the other books, even from bella's perspective. so i was able to look past the annoyance i felt, as it meant meyer was staying true to his character lol

may i just say, my favorite part in the entire book, is every time edward is like "charlie's mind is blank af.. he really is just thinking about nothing, huh" because!!!!!!! YES. CHARLIE REALLY IS A BUMBLING WASTE OF SPACE AND I LOVE THAT HIS MIND PORTRAYED THAT, TOO.

the one moment i really did like/feel for charlie was when bella was in the hospital, though, and carlisle had to break the news to charlie.... he felt most like a loving, if clueless, dad in that moment and the way he asks carlisle to "take care of his girl" made me feel warm and fuzzy.

overall, i think if you like the twilight series and are already invested in the characters and the story, you'll probably enjoy this book as well. if you're team jacob (for some reason), or you find edward's character to be annoying/not your thing, that might keep you from liking it as much, but i think it's still worth a try for the scenes where bella isn't around/the different perspective on his family life. if you don't like twilight already, this book will not change your mind. if you haven't read the other books in this series, i would recommend reading those first and coming back to this one, since edward's perspective is much more interesting and if you read twilight, then this book, and then try going back to bella's perspective in new moon, i feel like the rest of the series will be less appealing.

i loved this book and am kind of sad i finished it. but i am hopeful that meyer continues this trend and writes the rest of the series from edward's (and maybe eventually jacob's!?) perspective - i want to know everything about these characters and their world. sigh