A review by lauraanne9
Arranged by Lexi Blake


***ARC Provided by the Author and InkSlingerPR***

4.5 Stars

Lexi Blake is a favorite of mine, and I love the whole 1001 Dark Nights series. Such a fun idea, to tell numerous compelling and shorter stories to take up an evening.

I really enjoyed this one. the characters were interesting, and I loved that you got to meet Kash as a much younger man, and on a very pivotal day in his life, before the real story began. Day, well, you like her, you like who she is, and you like that she is not afraid to be the person that she is.

There were a couple of elements of this story, and it is what I would call light BDSM that were different, which I will not spoil here, but I enjoyed them as they are not the common direction to take a story like this.

I thought Lexi Blake told quite a complete and well balanced tale, with developed characters, in a short novella, which is not something that is easy to do, and it was done well, despite being set in a fake country...which really doesn't matter in relation to the plot of the story, it just happens to be something that I am never totally positive is necessary.

Do I wish there was more of their story? Yes, but that is part of the challenge of a novella, to tell a complete story in the shorter time...it does often leave you wanting more, but in this case because you like the characters not because you feel you didn't get a complete story.

I recommend this novella.