A review by snowblu3
Boundary Lines by Melissa F. Olson


I'm getting pretty bored with this series right now. Just feeling meh about it.

2/10: Lots of casual sexism that's irritating me.

The main character also makes a point to mention her rescue dogs any time she talks about her pets. She's barely home to interact with them but they're her RESCUE DOGS. God, shut up about it. And that's coming from a person with three corgi tattoos and a dog Instagram.

56% into the book, I kind of feel committed to seeing it through. But a "Frozen" reference was just made. I'm trying to unwind with a cheeseball book so I can fall asleep. I do not appreciate getting that stupid song stuck in my head from a freaking vampire book. You know how you know you should second guess what you're writing? Are you literally putting the words "The cold never bothered me anyway" into it when it's not an illustrated adaptation of the movie? Stop. Stop right now.

Also 2/10: "No, Quinn," I interrupted. "I don't want to spend my life depending on mind control to make things run smoothly. It's too much power. Too seductive." STFU, Derwood! You're a boundary witch. He's your vampire boyfriend. Stop pretending you're normal. Use the force!

Still 2/10: So this woman says she works with patients who have psychological problems. She also says "I can't heal natural-born psychological problems like manic depression but...." Did this just happen? This just happened. If Sashi actually did this work, she'd know the word is bipolar.

2/11: I'm a math student. When I read "Two of the black circles were fairly close to Boulder, and the rest all a distance away" I am going to sit there and stare at the sentence for a solid five minutes trying to figure out wtf that even means. An adjective before "a distance" would have been good here.

I decided I'm not bored with this book anymore because the writing is bad enough to be entertaining.

"Quinn had included a sharpening kit in his weapons cache, and Mary had offered to sharpen the Danish sword for me during the car ride." I mean... safety third! Right after that, the same person says "I didn't hear a word from her the whole way." She has a werewolf sharpening a sword in a moving vehicle and she's talking about it like she found a clever way to pacify a cranky baby. Just... what? What is this writing?

The best part is from the first line of the acknowledgments bit at the end. "The book you're now holding I'd arguably the most-researched project I've ever worked on...". THE MOST-RESEARCHED. But she couldn't spend thirty seconds googling to find out the term " manic-depressive" fell out of favor "a time" ago. Details matter.