A review by vtlism
All Unquiet Things by Anna Jarzab

  • Loveable characters? No
  • Diverse cast of characters? No


I absolutely hated this. I should have stopped reading but I guess I was hoping it would improve. For a book that's  realism, the dialog was unbelievable (and terrible) for teenagers. It sounded like fake noir dialogue. The writing was all cerebral and I didn't get a good sense of any physicality. The characters were uniformly uncomplex and unlikable. I kept wondering why this story. And why is it so long for such a slow plot. It even had this awful point of dual monologues giving the "lessons" of the story, wedged in there as "You know, my grandmother always says...." Ugh! Huge waste of time. This took her 7 years to write - jfc. Deeply uncompelling.