A review by kiyamarie
Final Girls by Riley Sager


Honestly, I didn’t like this as much as I thought I would. My expectations were high after reading The Last Time I Lied and this let me down. It was really slow and I understand, but I was less invested in the life of Quincy with her baking and pills and grape soda. That is not how I see anyone coping with surviving a mass murder but honestly what do I know. The point is that it was a boring start. I was also disappointed by the ending just when I thought it was getting good. It just didn’t seem plausible enough to me. And just like that my skepticism has returned full force leaving me dissatisfied.

Some of the things I did like:
the turning point was a great moment. Sager has a way of building so many mysteries into one and the main one was actually the one that got me. The build up to the reveal was great. I was completely pulled in by the mysteries leading to the big question, or what I assumed was the big question even if the “why” didn’t exactly agree with me. This is the only reason it is getting three stars.

The questioning of Jeff’s profession. I think this was a great moment because it’s something I think about a lot when people say they want to become lawyers.

The concept. The concept of Final Girls was really cool to me. I like that there was so much thought behind the infamy of surviving. I like that they didn’t think of themselves as victims but survivors. I felt like it would have been easy to write a “woe is me” story.

I still want to read Sager’s book dropping in July. So I’m still excited to see what ways I can be mislead and surprised. Hopefully that one won’t disappoint!