A review by libbysbookshelf
Here Comes the Sun by Nicole Dennis-Benn


Phew. This is one hell of a debut novel. 

I read Patsy first, and like Patsy, Here Comes the Sun is slow to start but like lightening when it gets going. At least, that was the pace of my reading anyway. 

This one is set exclusively on Jamaica and, from the eyes of the locals, it’s far from the paradise that the tourists see. 

Poverty and desperation push people to do terrible things and - in the process - to lose themselves and to become exactly who they didn’t want to be. 

There is a light among all of this. A small glimmer of love that kept me turning the pages, hoping for some kind of happiness, or even safety. 

I feel like Dennis-Benn is a Jamaican Toni Morrison. She gives you Jamaican people and she gives you terrible deeds and it’s up to the reader to decipher the language and the culture and - most difficult of all - to decide who the good guys are and who the bad guys are. Funny, much like real life, there is a lot of grey area among the black and white. 

#readcaribbean and #pagesofpride 

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