A review by davefoolery
Looking for Calvin and Hobbes: The Unconventional Story of Bill Watterson and His Revolutionary Comic Strip by Nevin Martell


Why do biographies matter? Why do we care about the personal lives of famous people, especially those who have given us something as cool as Calvin and Hobbes?

I had my doubts about this book as I was reading, but Martell is so enthusiastic about Watterson and everyone he talks to is so enthusiastic about Watterson that I couldn't help but get excited about Calvin and Hobbes all over again.

I wish there had been cartoons to go with the descriptions. I guess I'll just have to pull out Attack of the Deranged Mutant Killer Monster Snow Goons and bask in the Watterson magic.

I picked up this book in part because I enjoyed the Schulz biography and the way that made me think about the challenges that Schulz faced. This book lacked that depth, but somehow in the end managed to achieve something similar. I'm left with an appreciation of a cartoonist that's greater than when I started.