A review by shelflife
Warped by Maurissa Guibord


I had higher hopes for this YA novel than what I got. It had so many great ideas with so many imaginative places to go. The author takes the 3 Fates (Norn), witchcraft, elements of time-travel, liberties with unicorn lore and the tapestries of the hunt and combined them all to create a wonderful adventure.

However, here are my grumbles. We take these elements and turn them into teeny bopper, generic romance and use corny humor through out the story. This bothered me Immensely. The seriousness of what happened to William when captured by the gray lady, the life she stole from him as well as the serious situation Tess was in was all downplayed by silliness. I would have rather had a bit more seriousness to the story along with a bit more dark and sinister tone to a story dealing with the fates and an evil witch. It's insulting to teens to feel you have to do this. This was a story that could have appealed to boys as well, had it not so blantantly been aimed at teen girls. Tess and her friend Opal were irritating on several occasions. I felt william was pretty good, would have liked more on his story and the fates were well done. I am giving this 2 stars on the originality of using something completely different and weaving a great concept together. The rest should have been handled better.
