A review by mlbnbrit
Darkened Soul by C.G. Blaine


Darkened Soul was so much more than I could have hoped for. Chazaquiel and Nyx’s story was nothing I could have predicted, and way more than I was expecting. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: CG Blaine can write one hell (lol) of a story. How she continually crafts plots that are so fresh and unique, I don’t know. But I am here for all of it. Darkened Soul gets 4.5 stars from me!

So first, I gotta say that even if you’re not normally a fan of paranormal romance, I still think you should give this series a try. CG Blaine builds this paranormal world so flawlessly that it’s not overwhelming or confusing. I was able to fall into step with every scene seamlessly because she writes in a way that is both engaging and understandable. You won’t need a PNR encyclopedia to get through this series. I promise. When Watchers Fall is a series that both PNR and Contemporary fans will enjoy.

Nyx is such a beautiful and complex character. I don’t want to give too much away, but her struggle and backstory both really resonated with me. Her loyalty and her determination— ugh. I was heartbroken over the decisions she has to face. There was one scene in particular that had me sobbing, unable to catch my breath, because it was painful and heart-wrenching, but also extremely beautiful and real. I love Nyx, and I’m going to be looking forward to getting more glimpses of her in book three.

The chemistry between Chaz and Nyx was HOT. The way they were drawn to one another despite the bad omens encapsulating their relationship was something that I both loved and loathed. Loathed because I could feel their turmoil— I was sharing their pain because I could not, for the life of me, figure out which direction their love story was going to head. But I also loved it because I shared in their bliss. When Chaz and Nyx are together, it is perfection. Their affection and attraction jump from the page, and I could feel it. Together, they are so good, and I loved those moments.

This plot was unpredictable, but not in a “off the rails” kind of way. It is actually my favorite kind of plot— one that is fresh, new, and keeps me on my toes. I felt like I was following a single thread through a giant snarled knot- I knew there was an end, and I knew that when I reached that end all would make sense, but I couldn’t predict the next curve or turn until it was already happening. It was the best kind of ride, because CG Blaine kept me engaged and guessing without ever making me confused or frustrated.

Now, you can read this as a stand-alone, but some of my ultimate favorite things in Darkened Soul were the subtle nods to Cassannah from Fallen Rebel, book one. I LIVED for those glimpses of Kasdaye and Hannah Kelley. The Easter eggs were sooooo good.
Do you have to read Fallen Rebel before you read Darkened Soul? No.
Do I think you should anyway? Yes. Because Cass and Hannah’s story should not be missed.

The only reason I couldn’t give this a full 5 stars is because of something unique to me. I really liked Chaz— he was a great characters— but I had difficulty at times distinguishing him from Cass, the hero in book one. There were times when his voice and actions seemed so similar, I felt like I was reading book one’s hero with a different heroine. He didn't feel as unique, so I had a hard time connecting with him. There were also a few parts that felt a bit like unnecessary filler. However, those parts were few and didn't take away from my love of the story.

So, other than that minor personal complaint, this was WONDERFUL. CG Blaine’s writing is gorgeous, her story is creative, and it’s a testament to why she has become one of my one-click authors.

Darkened Soul gets 4.5 stars from me, and I will be waiting impatiently for the next installment of the When Watchers Fall series because I HAVE NO CHILL when it comes to these broody, sexy af angels. Read it.

Preorder here: https://amzn.to/2XKyuMn

ARC provided in exchange for an honest review