A review by a_reader_obsessed
Camp H.O.W.L. by Bru Baker


3.5 Hearts

Consistent good fare, this was another DSP Beyond win!

As per the blurb, Adrian has long resigned himself to being that rare werewolf who is unable to shift into an actual wolf - a genetic anomaly that he’s had 8 years to come to terms with. Well apparently, his body is uncooperative in following any of the rules, and Adrian is far away from home as he starts to undergo some terrifying changes heralding his impending shift with the looming full moon.

Luckily, nearby is Camp H.O.W.L., a place where many werewolves-to-be go to for 24/7 support. Tate is a full time psychologist/counselor who works there, and he’s tasked with bringing Adrian in safely. Despite the immediate attraction Tate has for Adrian, he never expects to find in him his mate

Now, this would all be fine and dandy typically, but Tate has had a terrible past, conditioned by a father who used his alpha status to take advantage of those under his care, basically using the idea of the mate bond to control, manipulate, and twist things horribly in his favor. Though Tate escaped that life, his jaded heart has no room for love, let alone a mate, despite all the signs pointing towards him and Adrian being perfect for each other.

Narrated by Dorian Bane, I appreciated his earnestness and enthusiasm on the behalf of all the characters in this story, nicely bringing them to life. He has a consistently raspy voice that is different from the usual narrator, but I felt that this didn't detract at all.

Overall, I obviously liked this understated werewolf/mates story. Some may be a bit bored and some may be frustrated with Tate’s reluctance, but I thought this was still a great slow build with reasonable progression of how two people, both different and both outcasts in their own right, find in each other safety, acceptance, and ultimately, love.

Again, as with most of these types of stories in this series, this was consistently sweet with a dash of sexy, and I enjoyed this easy, laidback listen.

Thank you to the author/publisher for the audio in exchange for a honest review