A review by cadiva
Hot Potato by Allison Temple


Hands down my favourite of the series and yet for the first half of the book the MCs are only friends.

This is also a bit more angsty in relationship terms than the other two in the series but it has two incredibly likeable characters to compensate.

Avery is adorable, he's not your typical hero clutz, his anxieties and clumsiness stem from a painful experience in his teenage years.

Linc's not your typical firefighter either. He's not doing the job out of a burning desire to make a difference but because it's a job he could sign up for when he arrived in Seacroft without having any roots there.

Together though, they perfectly balance each other out, they work, they're funny and quirky and hesitant and slow burning even though they both have feelings!

Linc's closeted and he took his time to get into a mindset which worked for him and I loved how he might have started off doing it for Avery, but ultimately he wanted it to be for himself.

Avery I just wanted to bundle in bubble wrap, he would get so flustered but he also has a secret bossy streak in the bedroom.

Those scenes were steamy but never too much and there's a couple of times later on in the book that I was thinking "hell yes" as they both got bolder at expressing themselves.

This is the last one in the series atm as far as I understand it and Allison definitely saved the best for last.

#ARC kindly received from the author in return for an honest and unbiased review.