A review by lifeandliterature
Addicted to You by Colina Brennan


Who decides sex was an addiction anyway? Or that someone should need therapy to "fix" it? Sex was good for you. It was a de-stresser. If it wasn't, then you were doing it wrong.

This was something completely new in the New Adult spectrum. Sex addiction. Yeah, I've only read about that in very adult books. And while Addicted To You is about sex, it wasn't the main topic of the book. Yes, it was there in very subtle tones throughout the pages, but it wasn't a story just based on two characters getting hot and heavy every chance they got.

Leah Carter's roommate puts her foot down when Leah's latest one night stand robs them of almost everything while they are sleeping. She sends Leah off for twenty sessions of therapy for sex addicts. Nearing the end of her twenty session stint, a new addict joins the group. Will McLean is immediately taken with the standoffish Leah and vows to break through her barriers and get to know her better.

I've read quite a few books now that have the Scottish male lead and I have to say that I'm a sucker for an accent. Can't help it. Get's me every time. So I was in love with Will almost immediately. I say almost because when we first meet Will he's at a sex therapy session and is asked to describe himself, and he describes himself as quite the man whore, and I couldn't possibly imagine how the author was going to make me love this character. Had I have reread the book description before I started reading, I would have saved myself all that worry!! Because like all good stories there is a twist to Will's.

Some people might find Leah a bit harder to like. She is stand offish and abrasive at times. She doesn't put a lot of herself out there for the reader to grab onto. But slowly we get little glimpses into her life and I found myself warming to her more and more. Her relationship with her brother Elijah was beautiful and I think that was where she started to reel me in. She's not had a great home life with her parents being so emotionally and physically detached. She has no friends outside of her roommate and that's all thanks to the wall she's built around herself.

Will's best friend Finn was incredibly perfect. I absolutely loved him and was super excited to see that book two in this series will be his story. He was funny and supportive and arty and witty. Yeah, loved him!! Can't wait to read the next book!!

The heat factor between Leah and Will was... Well, it was hot!!! But that wasn't the basis of their relationship. It went much deeper than the physical and I loved being along for the ride as their feelings grew.

Knowing part of her past was great, but now he wanted to know her present. He wanted her to stop being a question so he could start working on how to be her answer.

Addicted To You was really well written. A quick and easy read, with characters that were incredibly likeable and despite the basis of the story they were really relatable. Give this one a read. I'm sure you'll love it!!