A review by saidtheraina
Fetch: How a Bad Dog Brought Me Home by Nicole J. Georges


Of course it made me cry.

Georges' work always hits home for me. Here, she tackles the issue of problematic pets you love (sometimes, BECAUSE they're problematic).

I, too, lived with a dog with issues for years. Callie (maybe unlike Beija, Georges' dog) was fluffy and blonde, and looked super friendly - until another dog came along or you put your face too close to hers, or otherwise made her feel unsafe. Then, a Jekyll/Hyde transformation took place and her snarl was legitimately terrifying. She bit other dogs more than once.
She died a few years ago. I loved her very much. Partially because we had an intimate connection that was special to us. But it was difficult managing her behavior in public. Having to warn every new person not to assume too much or worry every time another dog approached when I walked her. Memories of that time makes me hesitate to get another dog now.

Georges tells her story, which is in a lot of ways similar to mine.

I've always been sensitive to stories centering around dogs, or any animal suffering, really. Stories like these hit so close to home, I usually avoid them like the plague. Friends know not to recommend movies with any animal pain in them.

But I HAD to read Georges book, knowing her work. I enjoyed guessing where the story overlapped with [b: Calling Dr. Laura|13429614|Calling Dr. Laura|Nicole J. Georges|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1344716812s/13429614.jpg|18920336].
And I'm glad I did read it. Even though it made me cry.