A review by moniwicz
Why I Write by George Orwell


With particular nods to the first chapter - whose beautiful descriptions of England I wanted to read over and over again - and the last - whose sharp, witty, and intelligent instruction should be listened to by all who write or read anything else at all.

other thoughts:

rwell is a true Socialist. He describes with assiduity the various characters of the English Social classes, particular attention focussed on the de-gentrified aristocracy who maintain their family’s line, power, and wealth through methods a mystery to themselves, and who run the Country through Buffoonery. These “Elite” are elected by the population as a whole year on year, much to the chagrin of those members of the Left-looking Middle Classes. Like today, the “Leftists” are the people who “live in a world of ideas and who have little contact with physical reality.” To them Communist ideals are attractive. In one breath they denounce the stupidity of the Lower classes for electing a Conservative Government, and claim a Communist Country would be better for the maligned and the poor (ie. the very people who make up the majority of the country and who vote with Nationalistic tendencies!)

The parallels between 1984, when this book was written, and today are so stark and obvious. Orwell would certainly be a welcome sane voice in todays Political sphere.