A review by ipomoea
Credo: The Rose Wilder Lane Story by Peter Bagge


I received an advance copy from the publisher at ALA Midwinter.

This was (as far as I know) my first Peter Bagge book. I've known his work forever (he's inescapable in Seattle literary/comics stuff), but this was the first time I've read one of his books. This was also the first book about either Wilder woman I've read outside of the Little House books and some assorted profiles in magazines which looked at Rose with a somewhat cynical eye due to the libertarian stuff.

This was a good introduction to her life and work, beyond the surface that I'd known. I knew she'd been key to the Little House books being published, but I didn't realize HOW much work she'd put into it, or how fraught her relationship with Laura was throughout her life. Rose, after coming out of a pretty intense childhood, became a badass, traveling the world and unafraid to explore her beliefs and stand up for them. While I don't know that I'd suggest this as a solid single source, it's a great jumping-off point to learn more about Rose Wilder Lane and her life.