A review by introvertedacademician
A Crime in the Family: A World War II Secret Buried in Silence—And My Search for the Truth by Sacha Batthyány


The greatly written story of the present, past and future. It is interesting how much does the past of our families forms us as people. Who we are and what we do, how we think. Even when we think that we are independent people, there is always something in our past what bound us. It is in our DNA after all. We are not just we. Part of us is something from the past. Something that was given and can't be taken away, even if we try so hard sometimes. There is an interesting point about this in this book. The voice of an author who wants to know why he feels that way. And at the same time, he tells us that it is ok to feel that way, to be that way. That it is not our vulnerability. That our past is something that we live with, deal with and sometimes it is ok to stop and just think about it. Deal with it. Find our inner peace with our past, present and also upcoming future.