A review by karaisreading
Champion by Marie Lu


in all my years, i don't think i've ever seen a trilogy wrap up as perfectly as marie lu wrapped up champion. like my other two reviews, this one will contain spoilers (because the book is so perfect that i can't not talk about it. without further ado, let's just jump in.)
i am writing this with remnants of tears in my eyes. champion stomped on my heart, pieced it back together again, then ripped it out with forced ten fold, then pieced it back together (tentatively) with superglue that i'm hoping will last.
let's jump right in with our main characters, june and day. both a bit older but still so familiar and incredible. the growth and beauty but the tragedy of the story is so so real.
the story picks up (again, where prodigy left off.) june and day have (carefully) parted ways but unite when june is forced to call him back to ask him for the hope of a cure. the republic is under attack by the colonies, and need to use eden to possibly find a cure. a major part of the conflict for over half of the book is day struggling to accept, what that means, the effect eden has, et cetera et certa. day also is dying (as we found out at the end of prodigy) and he struggles to think of leaving eden, june, and tess behind. death is uncertain and it shows in every step, every day, that day is alive.
june is dealing with a whole new world. after stepping into the princeps elect (possible) position, she is suddenly juggling the reality and newness of everything: politics, still grieving over metias', thomas and commander jameson (on trial), and struggling to make out her relationship, feelings and emotions concerning day. yes. i know.
the plot of champion is heart racing, show stopping, and completely impossible to put down. where legend was more straightforward in combat and characters, prodigy was about internalized thoughts, and actions, champion comes with the perfect balance of the two. the plot never stalls, rather changes and adapts at every corner. (i've yet to see one plan of june and day's where everything goes perfectly to time: everything always seems to be pushed up.) the whole book keeps building, building, building, into finally the last 100 pages burst into the fastest and newest turn yet. the words starting blurring because of the tears, guys. #notkidding.
but the ending was beautifully and wonderfully done. as june realized what she had to do (something so selfless and noble) my heart ached for her. she gave up everything for him, and in the end she walked away to let him keep it. GUYS MY POOR HEART. HOW DARE MARIE LU MAKE ME HURT SO MUCH.
but the epilogue: that SCENE GUYS. "hi," he says. "i'm daniel."
"hi," i reply. "i'm june."
in terms of the book rebel, i think i have to read it. i'm sure many people would be content to leave it like this, imagining june and day slowly reconciling and coming back together, but IF I KNOW THERE IS MORE JUNE AND DAY CONTENT, I MUST HAVE IT. if i don't like the ending, i'll just pretend i never read rebel and we can stop our series here.
but i must admit i am curious to see more of eden. he was such a big plot line in all of these books, i'm interested to hear how his sequel goes.
also, i loved how we could see more of the characters. tess, for example. i don't think anyone was a fan of prodigy tess, her mood swings and jealousy over june. but in champion, tess gets a chance to explain herself. suddenly, the tables flip and we see day in the way tess saw him: there for her when nobody else in the whole entire world was. she has also matured greatly, and learnt to rely on other people. i love her.
the other character i loved was pascao. we learn a little more about his backstory (his two sisters, the trial) and i cannot stress how much i liked pascao's characters. a character who isn't dying or dealing with huge, insane things. a simple guy who flirts with day (much to my enjoyment.) pascao added an extra layer of lightness to the story. he lifted my spirits whenever he was in the scene.
to conclude, you should read champion. well, after reading my review, you basically have read it. sorry there wasn't much about anden, i am way too lazy to go into him right now. but READ champion. also listen to forever falls apart by ashe and finneas. this song LITERALLY describes june and day. like, to the T. hello? the california references? did they write it based on legend?
okay, i'm going to go now. #rantover. hope you enjoyed.