A review by crazyasacupcake
The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas


Review of [b:The Hate U Give|32075671|The Hate U Give|Angie Thomas|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1476284759s/32075671.jpg|49638190]

5 stars

THE HATE U GIVE is a beautifully written book about the injustice surrounding the shootings of innocent young black men and women. Khalil was shot by a police officer in "self-defence", which was then expanded into him believing Khalil had a gun in his car that he was reaching for to attack the officer. Except, he didn't have a gun. He had a hairbrush.

The book is painful, yet truthful, and despite knowing in our hearts that the officer isn't going to get what he deserves, we can't help but pray that he does anyway. Because Khalil was a kid. And even though he was a fictional character, the many other men and women shot by cops aren't: Eric Garner, who was placed in an illegal chokehold for 15 seconds, and who repeatedly said "I can't breathe" as he was pinned down by cops; Michael Brown, an 18 year old, who's lack of justice sparked protests across the U.S.; Tamir Rice, who was shot after his toy gun was mistaken for a real weapon; and so, so many others.

Through the eyes of Starr Carter, we watch as the situation is twisted and mutated to the cops favour, bringing up the fact he was a drug dealer, and calling him a thug. None of that has anything to do with the reason Khalil was killed - but the media don't care, as long as the police officer seems like the victim. As long as Khalil is seen as the villain.

Books like this are so important, as societal problems such as this need to be talked about more, not just brushed off. People need to be made to listen. And the only way to make them listen is to shove it in their face and force them to see what their ignorance is doing to the world. I would happily read ten thousand books about ten thousand Starr Carters just to see something happen - see something change.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, this book is amazing and everyone should read it.

I'm sorry this review isn't that good, I'm struggling to put my words together, and I have a bad virus at the minute. When I'm better, or when I know what I'm trying to say, I'll edit this and replace it.