A review by paperwitch
20th Century Ghosts by Joe Hill


Overall I enjoyed the stories but I don't think this book is one of Hill's best. I tried to do my best to write a short review for each story in case you are interested. Do keep in mind that this collection is a mixed bag, so is not 100% horror based, if that's what you are looking for, you will be dissappointed.

Best New Horror 5/5
This story was pretty damn good, I had a blast reading it and so far its my favorite one out of the bunch. It was creepy and disturbing and a bit gory, all things I enjoy in a story.
20th century ghost 4/5
Now this one was a bit of a miss but it was not Hill’s fault, it was mine for never watching the wizard of Oz or understand some of the references, but once I did a little bit of digging, the story ended up being pretty great and sad more than anything.
Pop Art 5/5
Now if while we are on the sad subject, this one was a heartfelt story, something you might not expect to find in a collection like this one, it was a bit more character based and although our friend Al was not a human like you or me, he was just as real and wonderfully done.
You will hear the locust sing 4/5
Now we are getting into the weird side, this one was disgusting, disturbing and out there. It makes me want to dig into Hill’s brain and explore what lays within.
Abraham’s boys 3/5
This story was good but it felt like something was missing, it felt almost rushed in a sense, confusing and a bit predictable. It wasn’t my favorite but it was still entertaining.
Better than Home 3/5
This one was a bit random, if I am honest I didn’t really get it. It went everywhere and nowhere all at once.
The black phone 5/5
Oh this one was eerie, I loved it. One of the things that definitely stood out the most was the constant sense of dread I felt while reading it.
In the rundown 4/5
This story was interesting and it made me feel so angry around the end haha but I guess that was part of Hill’s intention. I did feel like it was a bit everywhere at first but overall it was enjoyable.
The Cape 5/5
This one was fun, it definitely went a direction I wasn’t expecting but in the end it was great.
Last Breath 5/5
The concept behind this story was so brilliant and original! I really enjoyed this one, it almost leaves you wanting more (but not in a bad way) I want to know more about Mr. Alinger and his collection.
Dead-wood 4/5
This one is super short, the shortest of the bunch and I think that’s why it suffered from lack of depth. I still found it eerie and the idea itself to be a bit disturbing.
The widow’s breakfast 4/5
Children being creepy, that’s always interesting. This one was a mildly horrific story.
Bobby Conroy comes back from the dead 5/5
The moment Tom Savini was mentioned, I knew it was going to be a good one. I definitely liked the characters and although we didn’t spent much time with them I felt like I knew them.
My father’s Mask 3/5
I didn’t get this one. It was a bit out there
Voluntary Commital 3/5
Scheherazzade’s Typewritter 4/5