A review by angelisa
Ghosts of Prosper Key by Jack Massa


Jack Massa strikes again, and he does not disappoint! Clean, clear prose tells yet another story in the continuing adventures of the irrepressible Abbey Renshaw (Imagine a lovechild of Nancy Drew and Algernon Blackwood's John Silence) and her sidekicks, Molly, Ray-Ray, and Ariel. It’s a rollicking good time: the squad tackles hijinks and dangers both physical and metaphysical as they seek to lay to rest the Victorian victims of a deadly hurricane and frustrated love. All of this is couched in the atmosphere of some of Florida's most idyllic areas mixed with pockets of it that popular imaginaton of the state has not retained, such as Cassadaga. The prose and storytelling was such that this long-term expat Floridian became homesick by the book’s end.