A review by duckygal
The Misery House by David Duane Kummer


This is the first book in the House on the Hill series.  The concept of this book appealed to me, put psychological thriller and haunted house in the same blurb and I’m in. 
The writing was descriptive, painting a vivid picture of both the scenery and the characters. The tension built throughout as more and more occurs to unsettle the residents and us as readers. I felt this was done very well, especially with the twists in place, throwing you and what you thought you knew. 
I thought telling the story through differing points of view was interesting, it’s not something I’ve come across too often in this genre, but it’s not a bad thing. I think it worked well for this story. 
This book ends on a cliffhanger which is frustrating, but only because I am now desperately waiting for the next book to be released to find out what happens and I’m very impatient!