A review by katyanaish
Working for the Devil by Lilith Saintcrow


This is a hard one for me to rate.

The story was interesting. The world was cool - this kind of Blade Runner-esque future world. It was confusing at times, though, because there wasn't a lot of explanation. I kind of felt like I was jumping into the middle of a series, honestly. Details about the world - the Hegemony, how psis got rights, it was referenced frequently but with no info.

But I had a hard time with the characters. Dante was a shrill bitch a lot of the time - she was horrible to Jaf, for no reason, and she'd flip in temperament like a light switch. I also don't understand when she decided she cared that much about him. She was pretty nasty to him in a flip-flopped way all the way through the end, which made that ending have so much less weight to me. I just didn't buy the connection between them to that degree. Like, they were maybe just barely beginning to form something.

Jace... I just don't like at all. Look, nothing excuses him leaving without a word. She's not a child, nor an idiot. He could have explained the situation. I don't buy that he loved her. He left without a word 3 years ago, because it was easier for him than explaining and dealing with her sense of betrayal for his lies. That's not love.

Gabe also sucked. Here's the deal. If my best friend was in a relationship with a dude for a year and a half, and then he just ghosted her - moved out while she was out of town on a job, leaving no word, no note, no nothing - and stayed gone and silent for 3 years, hell would freeze over before I forced my friend to do a job with that guy. But Gabe decided, herself, to contact Jace behind Danny's back. Commit to the team staying with him, and to him joining them on the job, without even talking to Danny about it. Gabe just sprang it on her. And then treated Danny like a whiny bitch who needed to get over herself when Danny was upset about it.

So honestly, fuck Gabe.

Eddie was a 2-dimensional whatever.

Jaf, Lucifer, I don't know. They clearly were playing a game here, and I don't know what I think of them until I get more info.

I'm going to read on, because I didn't hate it and I know a lot of people love this series. But I'm pretty skeptical. Particularly because I just don't like Danny. But we'll see if what happened changes her a little.