A review by urlocalhouseplant
The Galloping Hour: French Poems by Forrest Gander, Alejandra Pizarnik, Patricio Ferrari


This review might change once I reread this.

So much of Pizarnik's writing in this collection is vivid and striking. It's beautiful in the way that it's delicate and brusque at the same time. Pizarnik doesn't hesitate to create intimate (almost uncomfortably intimate) situations, nor does she hesitate to use imagery of nature and the world around (similar to more "traditional" poetry) to add a vivid and holistic view or dimension of that intimacy.

"All night I drown in your eyes become my eyes" is one of my favorite lines. It really encompasses the way that this collection draws the reader into Pizarnik's shoes and into her mind and body.

The collection contains a lengthy introduction (which was super helpful in detailing Pizarnik's life and the significance of her French poetry).

I did find that some of the imagery was a little too abstract for me to connect to the main idea of her poetry- though this might change after I reread this sometime in the near future.