A review by nushhetti
This One Wild and Precious Life: A Hopeful Path Forward in a Fractured World by Sarah Wilson


I so want to enjoy the way in which Sarah Wilson writes and shares her experience. However I have found with this book (and her first book too now that I think about it) that about half way through it starts to grate against me. I would love to read something she writes that isn't so deeply intertwined with her own anecdotes and life experience, just about the facts, there is peek of this at about the 95% mark of This One Wild and Precious Life, but for me it was too little too late. And this is the crux of it, she writes from her heart and it is therefore tied up in her own experience.  I read this book on the heels of finishing Bill Gates impressive new book How to Avoid and Climate Emergency - which may account for the low score I gave Wilsons book. The explanations and facts Gates has the bandwidth of understanding and strategy required to start to slove the planets issues was significantly better expressed.
I initially picked up This One Wild and Precious Life because I wanted a more Austrlaian and personal journey and understanding of climate change and what an individual can do, but ultimately found that while her message is important this is the not the format I wanted this information presented to me. I found some of her ideas, such as hiking without water a little out there. As someone who plans and organises obviously I would find it difficult to understand Sarahs ability to just go with the flow (but also note she does benefit from people along the way who have planned and prepared and brought food etc which she happily partakes in).