A review by sidharthvardhan
Shalimar the Clown by Salman Rushdie


Salman Rushdi is at his best when he is writing about Kashmir. It is as if you are suddenly taken to hills of Kashmir.
Where so much is said about Kashmir issue, most of it is biased inf favor of one party or other. Slaman Rushdi has been able to provide most neutral of all descriptions of the issue, I've come up with. He has managed to cover the whole history of place in a single story with out appearing to lecture.
For as much, I could have given him five stars.
It is true that this is no Midnight Children of stories. At its rots, it is a revenge story but there are very few stories that are great in themselves - most are made great by the way told. This one belongs to the later group.
The story is full of beautiful passages, metaphors and allegories but i'm sorry to say not all of us get most of them. I believe a great story teller has privilege of choosing his audience.
The passages are long but that doesn't trouble reading.
The only limitation that i find is that the book seemed stretched at places. Not too much, mostly details were easy to go through and were just building atmosphere, but there were a few places specially in the last section where it could had been cut short.