A review by missmim
What Came Before He Shot Her by Elizabeth George


It was really eye-opening, and kind of hilarious, to read the Amazon reviews of this book, with people vowing never to buy George's books again after this "travesty" and "deception" and blah blah. George isn't the best writer in the world, but she spins a good yarn and I for one was interested in finding out just how this kid ended up where he did. So there's no Lynley or Havers--whatever. I'm sure we'll get them both back in the next book. What I wonder is whether George will leave this story hanging, the way she did in Deception on His Mind (I'm still wondering what happened to that poor girl). I felt for all three of the children in this book, even Ness, and despite its Hardian (not Dickensian, sorry!) descent into depressing incident after depressing incident, I still wanted to know what happened at the end. I kept hoping it wouldn't end the way it did, and that's something.