A review by bibliophile90
The Legacy by Dylan Allen


**ARC provided in exchange for an honest review**


4.5 stars

"I'm not giving up on us. I know I've got a lot to learn, but I love you. And we are fucking worth it, Confidence."

The Legacy was such a great story with intriguing characters. I was hooked from the start, and couldn't wait to see what would happen to them. I especially loved how Hayes and Confidence met, and connected. Hayes was very rude in the beginning, but Confidence was fierce, and definitely knew how to stick up for herself. The attraction was there from the start, but would these two also connect on an intellectual level? YES! Hayes after being betrayed before had found his match. He was a bit hesitant and acted without thinking, which eventually resulted in him finding himself in hot waters. The banter between them was entertaining and very sexy. Confidence was stubborn and definitely made Hayes pay for some of the actions he took with thinking. I also loved how the author raised awareness in this story without it taking over the whole story. It fit perfectly, and also showed another side to Confidence.

"For the love of the most brilliant woman I've ever met. I would spend the rest of my life on my fucking knees."

The Legacy was a complete story. It wasn't just a romance, but it was also a story about family. I loved the unexpected twists and turns, and it has me excited for Dylan's next book. I was expecting a more angsty read when I first read the blurb of The Legacy. However, I immensely loved the atmosphere Dylan created in this book. It was somewhat light-hearted, but it also had a couple of emotional and suspenseful scenes, which I enjoyed a lot. The sensual and sexy scenes were hot, and I couldn't get enough of them. Hayes and Confidence were perfect for each other. The writing was great and had a very nice flow. The pacing of the story was also perfect, it didn't feel or rushed. Dylan gave me more than enough time to fully connect to the characters. The only reason I didn't give this book a 5 star is because I wanted more scenes of the couple together. I am impressed with the groundwork Dylan Allen has laid with this story for upcoming (interconnected) books. I am hoping there will be a lot, because I fell in love with many side characters. She made me feel like I was part of the story, and I could really imagine this beautiful town.