A review by samantha_murphy
Vow of Thieves by Mary E. Pearson



I don’t know how to feel honestly. I feel empty after finishing this series. I was just completely sucked in to this world and I never wanted to leave. From the second I finished this series I knew I wanted to turn back and read it all over again. This book was soo freaking good I can’t even explain it.
This books character development and world building was amazing. Mary E. Pearson created such a rich world and just put the world building in there effortlessly. Usually in fantasy series I have a hard time getting into the book because there’s always world building at the beginning but this book just slipped it in there and I didn’t even notice. Mary E. Pearsons writing is flawless in my opinion.
Now lets talk about how much Jase and Kazi grew in this book and everyone in the Ballenger family. In Dance of Thieves Kazi was so angry and it seemed like she didn’t really care about anything other than getting her mission done and not failing. In Vow of Thieves she grew so much to where she’s not as angry, she got the closure she needed, and this mission became so much more than just a mission to her. Jase went from hating Kazi because she took him away from his family to loving her and would do anything to keep her safe. Jase loved and cared so deeply about his family and Kazi. Jase legit took 5 arrows to keep her safe bro like if that ain’t love then I don’t know what is.

I hated Montegue with every cell of my body. He made my blood boil. He was a good fit for the villain and he added more to the story but oh how I hated him. I couldn’t stand him for the life of me, every time he was mentioned or he was there I wanted to slam the book shut and just skip to a part that didn’t have this infuriating person in it. Let me say it one last time I HATED HIM.