A review by selenajournal
Low Town by Daniel Polansky


Rare is the situation that requires the full range of one's perceptions, and in general the world is improved by being only dimly visible. -2%

The world is an ugly place, and we ought to be grateful for any blinders that limit our comprehension - better to scuttle along the surface than dive in the noxious waters beneath. -46%

It was the time of year when it pays to be conscious of every last ray of sunshine and gust of warm air, the fading heat soon to be submerged beneath winter's implacable thrall. -60%

"Don't you want to know what I saw?" she asked. "Everyone always wants to know what's ahead of them." "People are fools. You don't need a prophet to tell the future. Look at yesterday, then look at today. Tomorrow is likely to be the same, and the day after." -76%