A review by pallavi_sharma87
Beside the Sea by Véronique Olmi



A single mother takes her two boys to the sea shore. But something is not right. what?
Narrated by an mentally unstable woman, who is mentally ill with depression, insomnia, poverty, chemical imbalance and the responsibility of motherhood where she has to look after two little sons, Kevin (5) and Stan(9).

The mother here does not like the world around her. The world terrifies her, does not understand her and she wants to save her boys from this cruel world. Extremely raw but beautifully written. Its a gut wrenching tale of sadness and also a insight on metal illness. The plot reminds me of [a:Toni Morrison|3534|Toni Morrison|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1494211316p2/3534.jpg]'s [b:Beloved|6149|Beloved|Toni Morrison|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1347984578l/6149._SY75_.jpg|736076].

A very short read which makes us think - am I doing a good job? should I be proud of my accomplishments when many suffer around me? am I a reason for someone's misery or adding to it, being thoughtless?

Happy Reading!!!