A review by joanna_banana
Beyond Birds and Bees: Bringing Home a New Message to Our Kids about Sex, Love, and Equality by Bonnie J. Rough


If you have kids or grandkids or are an adult role model in a kid’s life, read this! It takes the “birds and the bees” into the 21st century and adds messages of equality, inclusion, and empowerment that truly are the foundations to a healthy sexuality. Learned a lot of great tactics to apply when talking with my daughter about her body, sex, and relationships. Part of me was saddened by two things: 1) was it already too late? At age 6, had my daughter already absorbed so many messages of inferiority and sex shaming that I can’t undo it? We’ve had good conversations so far about consent and parts of the body but based on this book, that’s what parents should start with preschoolers. I hope we can set things straight here on out. 2) How screwed up is the US? People sexualize children and do them such a disservice by withholding important health information. In particular our obsession with the outdated and harmful gender binary has driven us to do more segregated education instead of all kids together. A practice Europe has actually outlawed based on the evidence. And don’t get me started on the people who campaign against comprehensive sexuality education when they don’t even have kids or don’t live where the curriculum is taught. So, therein lies the rub: how to be the more open and affirming and inclusive parent when it comes to sex ed in American society, when maybe your kid’s classmates or neighbors disagree? Change has to start somewhere. This book can help! Loved the ending of the last chapter a ou envisioning how you want the future to be for your kid: accurate, complete, empowering info at a young age so when they are ready for serious intimate relationships, they are safe, mutually respectful and love-filled.